ID 24-382
| 1 | 4.a. | Citizens Academy 2024 | Presentation | Recognition of the 2024 Citizens Academy Graduates | | |
Not available
ID 24-369
| 1 | 5.a. | | Minutes | Minutes from the October 22, 2024, City Council Meeting | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 24-350
| 1 | 5.b. | SA - Shared Services (Jail/CSA) | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $1,302,216 | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 24-353
| 1 | 5.c. | SA - Grants | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $1,186,239 | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 24-328
| 1 | 6.a. | Rezoning for 731 Jefferson Street | PH-Rezoning | Consider a request from Josue Elidio Pereira Coreas to rezone 731 Jefferson Street | | |
Not available
ID 24-330
| 1 | 6.b. | Rezoning for 1158 Rockingham Drive | PH-Rezoning | Consider a request from Lonnie and Linda Suter to rezone 1158 Rockingham Drive | | |
Not available
ORD 24-017
| 1 | 6.c. | Zoning Ordinance amendment to amend setbacks for townhomes in the R-8 district | PH-Zoning Ordinance | Consider a request from Waterman Investments, LLC to amend Zoning Ordinance to modify regulations associated with minimum principal building setbacks for townhomes within the R-8 district | | |
Not available
ID 24-334
| 1 | 6.d. | Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Quarry Heights | PH-Action Item | Consider a request from Liberty Hall LC, Ordovician, L.C., and Aichus LLC for a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment at properties addressed as 51, 75, 85 Waterman Drive, and West Market Street (Quarry Heights) | | |
Not available
ID 24-336
| 1 | 6.e. | Rezoning for Quarry Heights | PH-Rezoning | Consider a request from Liberty Hall LC, Ordovician, L.C., and Aichus LLC to rezone properties addressed as 51, 75, 85 Waterman Drive, West Market Street, and Brickstone Court (Quarry Heights) | | |
Not available
ID 24-338
| 1 | 6.f. | Special use permit multiple-family dwellings for Quarry Heights | PH-Special Use Permit | Consider a request from Liberty Hall LC, Ordovician, L.C., and Aichus LLC for a special use permit to allow multiple-family dwellings of more than 12 units per building at 51, 75, 85 Waterman Drive, and parcels on West Market Street and Brickstone Court (Quarry Heights) | | |
Not available
ID 24-339
| 1 | 6.g. | Special use permit townhouses Quarry Heights | PH-Special Use Permit | Consider a request from Liberty Hall LC, Ordovician, L.C., and Aichus LLC for a special use permit to allow attached townhouses of no more than eight units at properties addressed as 51, 75, 85 Waterman Drive, and West Market Street (Quarry Heights) | | |
Not available
ID 24-341
| 1 | 6.h. | Special use permit reduced side yard setbacks Quarry Heights | PH-Special Use Permit | Consider a request from Liberty Hall LC, Ordovician, L.C., and Aichus LLC for a special use to allow reduced side yard setbacks at properties addressed as 51, 75, 85 Waterman Drive, and West Market Street (Quarry Heights) | | |
Not available
ID 24-415
| 1 | 7.a. | | Action Item | Consider approving a Donation Agreement between Build Our Park and the City of Harrisonburg | | |
Not available
ID 24-417
| 1 | 8.a. | SA - HCPS | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation for the Harrisonburg City School Board | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 24-418
| 1 | 8.b. | SA - Public Utilities | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation for the Water Capital Projects Fund | | |
Not available
ID 24-420
| 1 | 9.a. | Reallocation - ARPA | Reallocation | Consider a reallocation of ARPA funds | | |
Not available
ID 24-368
| 1 | 11.a. | Planning Commission | Boards and Commissions | Planning Commission | | |
Not available
ID 24-370
| 1 | 11.b. | EDA | Boards and Commissions | Economic Development Authority | | |
Not available