ID 23-215
| 1 | 4.a. | | Presentation | Presentation of Master Deputy Certificate to Shannon DeWitt | | |
Action details
ID 23-251
| 1 | 4.b. | PHAs and CDFIs | Presentation | Presentation of Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) Leveraging Local Resources | | |
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ID 23-250
| 1 | 5.a. | | Minutes | Minutes from the June 13, 2023 City Council meeting | approved | |
Action details
Not available
ID 23-174
| 1 | 5.b. | Rezoning 564 E Gay St | PH-Rezoning | Consider a request from Bird Dog Properties LLC to rezone 564 East Gay Street | approved on second reading | |
Action details
Not available
ID 23-217
| 1 | 5.c. | SA PW (JMU Signals) | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $155,700 for the Public Works Department | approved on second reading | |
Action details
Not available
ORD 23-012
| 1 | 5.d. | Water rates 2023-24 | PH-Ordinance | Consider approving an ordinance amendment to Section 7-4-1 and 7-3-81 of the Harrisonburg City Code increasing water, sewer/authority, and Inflow and Infiltration surcharge | approved on second reading | |
Action details
Not available
ID 23-216
| 1 | 6.a. | Personal Property and Real Estate Tax Exempt | PH-Action Item | Consider approving personal property tax exemption status for Blue Ridge Free Clinic, Inc. | approved | Pass |
Action details
ID 23-244
| 1 | 6.b. | Reso of Take - Truist | PH-Action Item | Consider adopting a Resolution authorizing the City to enter upon and take certain real property interest of Truist Bank located at 3150 South Main Street in the City of Harrisonburg to secure necessary fee simple interests and easements needed for street improvements to South Main Street and Kaylor Park Drive | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-247
| 1 | 7.a. | Community Connectors Grant | Report | Community Connectors Grant Program | received and filed | |
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RES 23-009
| 1 | 7.b. | | Resolution | Consider adopting, ratifying, and adopting certain actions of the Harrisonburg Fire Chief and City Manager regarding Hose Company #4's use of the City's Rock Street Fire Station | adopted | Fail |
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ID 23-246
| 1 | 9.a. | Reallocation (CSA) | Reallocation | Consider the reallocation of budgeted funds in the amount of $275,000 | approved | Pass |
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ID 23-224
| 1 | 11.a. | EPSAC | Boards and Commissions | Environmental Performance Standards Advisory Committee (EPSAC) | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 21-362
| 1 | 11.c. | EDA | Boards and Commissions | Economic Development Authority | approved | Pass |
Action details
Not available
ID 23-252
| 1 | 12.a. | Subsection 8 | Closed Session Item | Closed meeting as authorized by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Virginia Code Section 22.2-3711(A)
Subsection 1 for the discussion of personnel matters;
Subsection 3 for a discussion of the acquisition of real estate for a public purpose where the discussion in an open session would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating position of the public body;
Subsection 7 for consultation with legal counsel pertaining to actual litigation; and
Subsection 29 for a discussion of an award of a public contract involving the expenditure of public funds where the discussion in an open session would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating position of the public body. | approved | Fail |
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