Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 8/11/2020 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID 20-210 14.a. MinutesMinutes from the July 28, 2020 City Council Meetingapproved  Action details Not available
ID 20-186 15.a.Personal Property and Real Estate Tax ExemptPH-Action ItemConsider personal property tax exemption status for Harrisonburg Children’s Museum Inc and real estate tax exemption status for Anicira Veterinary CenterapprovedPass Action details Video Video
ID 20-203 15.b.Supplemental Appropriation (Encumbrances 2020)PH-Action ItemConsider the reappropriation of encumbrances that were outstanding at the end of Fiscal Year 2020 in the amount of $7,885,760.76.approved on first readingPass Action details Video Video
ID 20-204 15.c.Supplemental Appropriation (CARES Act Funds)PH-Action ItemConsider a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $4,625,442 for funds received through the Coronavirus Relief Fundapproved on first readingPass Action details Video Video
ID 20-205 16.a.EPSAC BylawsAction ItemConsider adopting the Environmental Performance Standards Advisory Committee’s Bylaws AmendmentapprovedPass Action details Video Video
ID 19-355 16.b.Rezone 231, 251 & 261 S Liberty StreetPH-Rezoning Consider a request from Rockingham Properties, LLC with representative Matchbox Realty to rezone 231, 251, and 261 South Liberty Street.deniedPass Action details Video Video
ID 19-356 16.c.SUP - 231, 251 & 261 S LibertyPH-Special Use PermitConsider a request from Rockingham Properties, LLC with representative Matchbox Realty for a special use permit to allow manufacturing, processing, and assembly operations at 231, 251, and 261 South Liberty Street.deniedPass Action details Video Video
ID 20-182 16.d.Renaming policyAction ItemConsider approving the policy for naming city spaces and facilitiesapprovedPass Action details Not available
ID 20-211 16.e.CSB Performance ContractAction ItemConsider approving an amendment to the FY2019-FY2020 Community Services Performance ContractapprovedPass Action details Video Video
ORD 20-043 16.f.Covid 19 OrdinanceOrdinanceConsider adopting an ordinance to suppress the spread of the Novel Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes, commonly referred to as COVID-19approved on first readingPass Action details Video Video
ID 20-214 16.g.VML conference voting delegateAction ItemConsider a VML Conference Voting Delegate and an Alternate Voting Delegate for the upcoming VML Conference for the Urban Section. Mayor Reed was the voting delegate for 2019 and Council Member Jones was the alternateapprovedPass Action details Video Video
RES 20-032 16.h. ResolutionConsider adopting a resolution granting permit to operate emergency medical services vehicles to Emergency Training Systems, Inc.approvedPass Action details Video Video