ID 25-526
| 1 | 3.a. | Arbor Day | Proclamation | Proclamation recognizing Arbor Day | | |
Not available
ID 25-533
| 1 | 5.a. | | Minutes | Minutes from the February 25th, 2025 City Council Meeting | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 25-534
| 1 | 5.b. | | Minutes | Minutes from the March 7, 2025 and March 8th, 2025 City Council Retreat | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 25-496
| 1 | 5.c. | SA (Bond Interest Earnings) | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation for the General and Water Capital Projects Funds | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 25-503
| 1 | 5.d. | Supplemental Appropriation (School Board) | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation for the Harrisonburg City Public School Board | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 25-504
| 1 | 5.e. | Supplemental Appropriation (Various) | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $188,408.85 | | |
Not available
Not available
ID 25-482
| 1 | 6.a. | Rezoning (amend proffers) for 210, 290, and 280 West Mosby Road | PH-Rezoning | Consider a request from Daniel W. and Nancy R. Brubaker Trustees to rezone (amend proffers) for a +/- 12-acre site addressed as 210, 290, and 280 West Mosby Road | | |
Not available
ID 25-489
| 1 | 6.b. | Capital Improvement Program FY 26-30 | PH-Action Item | Consider the FY2025-2026 through 2029-2030 Capital Improvement Program | | |
Not available
ID 25-515
| 1 | 7.a. | NTCP Update | Presentation | Presentation of the updates to the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program | | |
Not available
ID 25-530
| 1 | 7.b. | G.B. Foltz_MCP SUP Contract | Action Item | Consider approval of contract amendments for the Mt. Clinton Pike Shared Use Path project | | |
Not available
ORD 25-022
| 1 | 7.c. | Private Towing Advisory Board | Ordinance | Consider approving an ordinance enactment of Chapter 6 Article F - Private Towing Advisory Board | | |
Not available
ID 25-528
| 1 | 7.d. | Spring 2025 Residential Use-Approved Development Update Presentation | Presentation | Presentation on Residential Use-Approved Development | | |
Not available
ID 25-518
| 1 | 7.e. | | Report | Presentation of the Long-Term Financial Models of the Harrisonburg Water and Sewer rate planning. | | |
Not available
ID 25-535
| 1 | 7.f. | | Action Item | Consider adopting City Council Vision 2045 | | |
Not available
ID 25-525
| 1 | 8.a. | Supplemental Appropriation (PT_Washbay) | Supplemental Appropriation | Consider a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $300,000 for the Central Garage Fund | | |
Not available
ID 25-527
| 1 | 10.a. | CSPDC | Boards and Commissions | Consider appointing two Council Members and one staff member to Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission and nominate one member to the Executive Committee | | |
Not available
ID 25-529
| 1 | 11.a. | Closed Session | Closed Session Item | Closed Session as authorized by the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Virginia Code Section 2.2-3711(A), under: Subsection 5 for the discussion of the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest expanding its facilities in the community; and Subsection 8 for consultation with legal counsel on specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel. | | |
Not available