Consider adopting the Environmental Performance Standards Advisory Committee’s Bylaws Amendment
Presented By: Thomas Hartman, PE, LEED AP, Director of Public Works
Recommendation and Review
On January 14, 2020 City Council adopted Phase 1 of the Environmental Action Plan (EAP). Phase 1 identified Guiding Goals and Focus Areas that outlined a path for the City to use as it works to address a variety of environmental initiatives. Following the adoption of Phase 1, Staff began to review the existing Environmental Performance Standards Advisory Committee’s (EPSAC) bylaws, in order to ensure they were consistent with Phase 1 of the EAP.
As a result of that review, and after discussion with the EPSAC on numerous occasions, Staff presents the attached amended bylaws for City Councils consideration. The amended bylaws refocus the work of the EPSAC to connect directly to the EAP and other environmental issues of concern to the community. In doing so it refines the committee’s responsibilities to work with and formulate the EAP, participate in the public outreach and education of EAP to the community, and allows for the EPSAC to make recommendations to City Council on matters related to the committee’s work.
Membership has been refined to allow EPSAC to consist of nine (9) to twelve (12) members and two (2) ex-officio members (1 City Council member and 1 School Board member). It also establishes a 3-year term for EPSAC members, where 1/3 of the committee will be appointed each year. Further, the amendment provides revisions to committee officer responsibilities and clarifies how appointment to those offices will be conducted. Finally, language related to electronic meetings and communication has been added.