Consider approving the City to be a host venue for First Fridays of the Valley to feature City employee artists and musicians
Presented By: CeCe Dodd
Recommendation and Review
First Fridays of the Valley began in 2009 as a partnership between the Arts Council of the Valley and the Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance. The programs gathers community members and businesses the first Friday evening of every month in support of Harrisonburg’s art and cultural district. More than 20 venues currently participate. City staff seeks City Council approval to submit an application to the Arts Council of the Valley and pay a $120 annual fee to serve as a host venue. The $120 supports the Arts Council’s expenses for marketing, including printed materials for the host venues to display. The events would be held in the City Hall Atrium. If approved, City staff would develop a program to select City employee artists and musicians to be featured on the First Friday of each month, highlighting for the community the many talents and gifts of our employees.