Consider amending and re-enacting Section 7-2-5 - Sprinkler Systems Generally, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Harrisonburg, Virginia
Presented By: Mike Collins, director of Public Utilities
Recommendation and Review
The proposed amendments to Section 7-2-5 update the language used in the current ordinance, clarify the responsibilities associated with the installation and maintenance costs of fire suppression systems, and make the installation of fire suppression systems on a parcel occupied by more than one building subject to the new proposed Section 7-2-10.
The proposed amendments to Section 7-2-5 clarifies that all equipment and labor associated with the installation of fire suppression systems (including sprinklers and standpipes) are the responsibility of the customer. The exception is the meter, which is provided by the City. The cost of the meter and its installation by Public Utilities employees is paid by the customer. The customer is responsible for the maintenance of the fire suppression system.
On May 9, 2023 Council reviewed the amendments, some additional edits have been made, and are attached, for Council’s approval. This will be considered the second reading.