File #: ID 25-482    Version: 1 Name: Rezoning (amend proffers) for 210, 290, and 280 West Mosby Road
Type: PH-Rezoning Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/30/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Consider a request from Daniel W. and Nancy R. Brubaker Trustees to rezone (amend proffers) for a +/- 12-acre site addressed as 210, 290, and 280 West Mosby Road
Attachments: 1. Memorandum, 2. Extract from Planning Commission, 3. Site maps, 4. Application and supporting documents, 5. 2023 Approved Proffers & Conceptual Layout, 6. PC Memorandum, 7. Surrounding Property Owners Notice, 8. Notice of Public Hearing, 9. PowerPoint presentation



Consider a request from Daniel W. and Nancy R. Brubaker Trustees to rezone (amend proffers) for a +/- 12-acre site addressed as 210, 290, and 280 West Mosby Road


Presented By:  Adam Fletcher, Director of Community Development

Recommendation and Review