Consider revising City procedures for administering project proposals under the Virginia Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002
Presented By: Brian Shull, Director of Economic Development
Recommendation and Review
Harrisonburg City Council adopted procedures in October 2004 to enable the City to consider project proposals submitted under the Commonwealth’s Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA). These procedures were revised by City Council in September 2008. Harrisonburg is currently operating under the procedures adopted in September 2008.
The Commonwealth provides Model Guidelines to Virginia jurisdictions to help ensure compatibility with the state enabling legislation. Since the City’s 2008 revision, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Virginia Code references and number have changed and minor language edits have been suggested. Accordingly, staff has inserted this revised language into the recommended revisions attached.
Staff also took the opportunity to clean up a few repetitions and minor grammatical changes.
Attached you will find the current adopted procedures with redlined recommended changes.
A clean version of the recommended revisions is also attached .